Thursday, December 16, 2010

Google Gravity I'm Feeling Lucky ‎Google Gravity I'm Feeling Lucky : Google Gravity is a Google Chrome experiment made by Hi-Res! That initially loads a typical Google home page and then suddenly the elements are pulled down by gravity and you cans start tossing around them!

On Google Gravity Im Feeling Lucky, Google phrase is displayed in reverse order ( elgooG ), we can search for information by typing "Google Gravity" into Google and hit "I'm feeling lucky", the page will collapse under the weight of gravity.

You want to try it? ... Google Gravity I'm Feeling Lucky was quite fun as well, the proof many people who do a search and keyword phrase of the Google Gravity has entered Google Trends.

Google Gravity is a literal mirror image of the Google search engine, which displays all the text on all pages in Google's cache in the opposite direction. This article was posted by the News Today.