Honda CBR 150R : Honda again will release its newest product, the new motorcycle models from Honda is a blend of styles Honda CBR 1000Rr with Honda VFR1200F. The shape is dynamic sporty but more slender than the Honda CBR 1000Rr.
According to the newspaper Honda CBR 150R will go to Indonesia in 2011. Specification of this motor type has a clear distinction with the Honda CBR before, only body panels resemble CBR1000RR, while following the design VFR1200F headlight shape.
According to the newspaper Honda CBR 150R will go to Indonesia in 2011. Specification of this motor type has a clear distinction with the Honda CBR before, only body panels resemble CBR1000RR, while following the design VFR1200F headlight shape.
Honda CBR 150R uses injection system (PGM-FI) for supplying fuel into the combustion chamber, the system is considered to be more fuel saving compared to using regular carburetor. Honda claims this bike is the first injection of motor sport in Asia. For rider safety, in the second leg disc brake installed and integrated with one piston in each caliper.
Honda CBR 150R motorcycles will mainly be marketed in the ASEAN market, hoping to master the motor sport and can compete with similar motor from the company's competitors.
Many biker who can not wait to have a Honda CBR 150R is, indeed if we look in more detail, the motor CBR looks more attractive and fashionable than the previous product. Honda CBR 150R is more sexy than other sport bikes, but Honda is always more powerful in terms of machinery and durable.